Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Hypoglycemia

Nutrition and Supplementation Although each
patient needs an individualized treatment plan, there are some basic
“dos and don’ts” that pertain to all hypoglycemics.Eat adequate
amounts of protein, …

Nutrition and Supplementation

 Although each
patient needs an individualized treatment plan, there are some basic
“dos and don’ts” that pertain to all hypoglycemics.

Eat adequate
amounts of protein, either from anirnal sources such as fish, eggs,
lean meats or vegetable sources, such as nuts, seeds, legumes, and soy
products. Avoid all refined grains, choos ing only complex
carbohydrates. Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose, which allows
for a more gradual release of insulin; eat fiber-rich plant foods.
Carry plain raw almonds with you in case your blood sugar drops.

caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol; these rob your body of essential
nutrients. Simple sugars are another no-no. They cause your pancreas to
overproduce insulin. Simple sugars are found in sugar, fructose,
glucose, corn sweeteners, corn syrup, table sugar, and brown sugar.
Check food labels; avoid anything ending in-ose (sucrose, maltose,
dextrose, etc.).

Never skip meals; eat frequent small meals
throughout the day. Some people find that a snack before bedtime helps.
The following daily supplements are useful.

Most Important

brewer’s yeast (as directed on label)-stabilizes blood sugar levels

chromium picolinate (300 to 600 mcg)-is essential for optimal insulin activity

pancreatin (as directed on label)-aids in protein digestion

proteolytic enzymes (as directed on label)-aids in protein digestion (Do not give to children.)

B complex (50 to 150 mg in divided doses)-counteracts the effects of
malabsorption disorders; aids in carbohydrate and protein metabolism

zinc (50 mg, not to exceed 100 mg total from all supplements)-essential for proper release of insulin

Also Recommended

manganese (as directed on label)-maintains blood glucose levels; deficient in most people with hypoglycemia

vitamin C with bioflavonoids (3000 to 8000 mg in divided doses)-for adrenal insufficiency, common in this disorder

L-glutamine (1000 mg on an empty stomach)-reduces craving for sugar

N-acetyl cysteine (600 mg)

L-carnitine (as directed on label)-converts body fat into energy

liver and adrenal extracts (as directed on label)

phosphatidyl serine (500 mg 3 times daily, with food)-stabilizes glandular function

(Consult your healthcare provider regarding the duration of treatment.)

Ayurvedic Medicine

or low blood sugar, is common in people with a pitta imbalance,
according to Ayurveda. To stabilize blood sugar levels, Ayurvedic
practitioners may advise drinking brahmi-licorice tea or taking a
combination remedy containing guduchi and other Indian herbs.

Bodywork and Somatic Practices

Practitioners of reflexology, Oriental bodywork, massage, and CranioSacral Therapy can help regulate the relevant body systems.

Herbal Therapy

combined with small, light snacks several times a day, herbal teas made
from burdock, dandelion, or licorice can help stabilize blood sugar

Herbal products are available in health food stores and
in some pharmacies and supermarkets. Follow package for specific

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hypoglycemia is a very complicated condition with many contributing
factors. Acupuncture can help alleviate certain symptoms of
hypoglycemia by reducing stress and regulating digestion, which may
improve the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients.

Herbal Therapy Ophiopogon can be used as a tonic to strengthen the
lungs and heart, believed by Chinese herbalists to be associated with
low blood sugar. Take a 3- to 6-gram decoction twice a day. Codonopsis
fortifies the blood; take in a 5- to 7-gram decoction twice a day.

is a famous blood sugar regulator; daily dosages vary from 6 grams of
the powdered herb to 10 grams taken in decoction form.
